Homemade Bath Bombs

Fall is under way and perhaps it's a getting a little cooler where you are. This means more cozy days & nights in. I am sure that all the little ones are getting excited about the fun times ahead, with Thanksgiving and Christmas in the not too distant future...here's a new idea for a fun and creative activity to do with your children (or just by yourself)...
For children aged 2-12 years or the elderly with no medical contraindications*, those with sensitive skin or for adults with an unknown medical history*, you can add two drops of any of the following child-friendly essential oils choosing between Sweet Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit & Frankincense. You can ask your child which aroma they prefer and get them involved in the process.-
Sweet Orange - Known for its nervous system tonic and sedative properties that can help relax and soothe. Perfect for bath times.
Grapefruit - Known to have properties that help with irritability and to have a calming action on the nervous system.
Frankincense - Rejuvenating to all skin types. Known to be a tonic to the nervous system, supporting in times of stress, anxiety, and depression. Has a grounding effect emotionally. Festive aroma that blends well with citrus essential oils.
Copaiba - Known for its strong anti-inflammatory properties due to its high sesquiterpene content. Regarded as being calming, balancing and grounding emotionally and spiritually.
Tea Tree - The all-round skin tonic, with multiple properties to help support your skin health.
8oz/ 1 cup - Sodium Bicarbonate
4oz/ 1/2 cup - Citric Acid
4oz/ 1/2 cup - Cornstarch
4oz/ 1/2 cup - Sea Salt
1 1/2 tsp - Water
1 tbsp - UpNature Carrier Oil of choice. You will be spoilt for choice with a whole range of highly skin-nourishing and hydrating carrier oils.
Natural food coloring
Other Ingredients
Bath bomb molds (available online) or other suitable mold substitutes such as ice cube trays, cupcake holders.
A large and a small bowl, spoon, and whisk.
Combine all dry ingredients (sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, and cornstarch) in the large bowl and mix well.
Combine all wet ingredients in the small bowl. Mixing well. (Water, carrier oil, essential oils, natural food coloring to your desired shade.)
Whisk liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients VERY SLOWLY. Mixture consistency should be able to hold together when squeezed without crumbling (like damp sand). If not wet enough add a small amount more water with a spray bottle.
Using your chosen molds, or even any other greased container/ ice cube trays. Fill the molds and compress firmly. Leave between 24-48 hours until hardened. You may like to compress a couple more times whilst its drying.
When dry, remove and store in an airtight container or recyclable bag. You can get creative with the wrapping if these bath bombs are for gifts. You can even use them as part of a hamper and fill with various UpNature products.

Whilst you're here why not check out my other blog posts and apply what you have learned here to the other suggested recipes.
Please let us know what you thought of this blog and how you made use of this information in the comments below!
You can refer to my last blog post for in-depth information on how to safely use essential oils.
*Safety Advice
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